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TVA: June rainfall was only 60% of normal after the region saw its wettest May in around 2 decades

The Tennessee Valley Authority said 170% of the normal amount of rain fell in May — the most rain that month since 2003.
Credit: TVA

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The Tennessee Valley Authority said rainfall across its region fluctuated wildly from May to June. However, it said its dams could still produce more than 2,000 gigawatt hours.

The TVA said May saw an average of 7.32 inches of rainfall across the Tennessee River Valley — around 170% of the normal amount of rain. A spokesperson said it was the most rain in May since 2003.

It also said the rain helped TVA's dams continue producing energy into June when drier conditions set in and rain largely stopped falling. The TVA said the region only saw around 2.59 inches of rain in June — around 60% of the normal amount.

It said hydroelectric power is TVA's cheapest form of electricity generation, helping keep fuel costs lower for people across the Tennessee River Valley.

Months of extremes! May was wet, with an average of 7.32 inches of rainfall across the Tennessee River Valley. That's...

Posted by Tennessee Valley Authority on Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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