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Blount Co. Sheriff: Stay off the roads

The Blount County Sheriff's Office said it is dealing with multiple crashes due to slick side streets.

BLOUNT COUNTY, Tenn. — Blount County Sheriff James Lee Berrong is asking people to stay home as officers continue to respond to wrecks caused by slick roads.

BCSO said deputies are working on multiple accidents across the county, all caused by slick secondary roads.

Although main roads throughout Blount County cities are clear, a majority of the secondary roads are icy and slick, according to BCSO.

"Our deputies are working as quickly as possible to clear these accidents, but our resources are being taxed due to these crashes," BSCO said. "If you decide to travel and you have a wreck, it may take longer for deputies to arrive on the scene to assist you."

BCSO said despite sunny skies, temperatures are still cold, and secondary roads in the county aren't thawing out.  

"We are asking you to delay travel until the roads are in better shape," the sheriff's office said. "Even though the sun is out, temperatures are still frigid and secondary roads are not thawing out. We are asking you to delay travel until the roads are in better shape." 

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