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Sunbright Tigers: A track family

Despite not having a track, the Sunbright track team finds a way to be successful and they do it together, as a family.

Sunbright is a town of less than 1,000 people in the foothills of the Cumberland Mountains.

The nearest track is more than 30 miles away.

But the Tigers make due.

The Sunbright track team works out on the football field.

"We do a lot of cardio. We do suicides, we do stairs, we do interval training," said track coach Sara Trail, also a teacher at the K-12 Sunbright School.

The track and field team begins practice with a one mile run around the school parking lot, a hilly surface. Then, they run the stairs in front of the school before moving to the football field for interval training and throwing practice.

"It gives us more of an advantage because we're running up hill, against the wind and stuff like that," said junior athlete Augie Friel.

Sara Trail started the program from scratch seven years ago.

"I had four runners, no money, I started the team with 200 dollars," Trail said. "I love running and I wanted to offer running to these kids."

Now the team has about a dozen members and has sent runners to college on scholarship. The latest prospect is Augie Friel.

"I started running track because when I was really young all I did was run, just go outside and want to run," Friel said.

"He's a junior, he's been with me since 8th grade and he just loves to run and he shines on the track," Trail said.

Tara England has two daughters on the team and ended up joining too as the throwing coach.

"We had a thrower that didn't have anybody to work with her, she was on her own because Ms. Trail was working with the runners so I said hey can I go hang out with Becca as long as that won't bother you and she said, 'sure,'" England said. "I'm surrounded by great big guys and girls who are very determined and we have a lot of fun together."

They're a close knit group.

"It's just a big family and there's a lot of love and a lot of support and there's no jealousy," Trail said.

Even though they're usually the smallest team at every meet, the Tigers have success, one stair at a time.

"They don't come to the track empty handed, they set personal goals and they achieve it."

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