KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The Hoops for Hope event will make a return on August 27 after 2 years of delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It will be held at Farragut High School at 11 a.m. Both the Tennessee men's and women's basketball teams said they would participate in the event benefiting the Down Syndrome Awareness Group of East Tennessee.
It will be the 13th consecutive time Tennessee basketball programs had a presence at the event. During previous events, kids and adults with Down Syndrome could play some rounds of basketball and make shots with student-athletes.
The Down Syndrome Awareness Group of East Tennessee brings families and professionals together to help support people with Down Syndrome. It has several programs, including two scholarships that can be used to help families.
One of the scholarships helps families attend conferences that have subject matter that could be useful to them or their families. The other can be used to help people with Down Syndrome participate in social and recreational activities.