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New Beacon Center poll finds that some voters remain committed to Trump despite his recent convictions

The poll also surveyed Tennesseans on relevant economic concerns for the state.
Credit: Credit: Beacon Center

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — In the aftermath of his guilty verdict, new poll results from the Beacon Center show some of Trump's Tennessee supporters are more loyal than ever. 

The Beacon Center is a non-profit, non-partisan Nashville-based center that touts its dedication to free markets, individual liberties and limited government.

Last month, Trump was convicted on 34 felony charges in New York for falsifying business records. Since his conviction, data shows that 34% of polled Tennesseans are more likely to vote for him in November, with only 22% less likely to. Another 40% of those polled remain unmoved, saying the conviction does not impact their vote. 

Credit: Credit: Beacon Center

This data is reflected in updated poll numbers, with Trump holding a 30-point lead in his three-way race against Joe Biden and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

Credit: Credit: Beacon Center

Beacon spokesperson Mark Cunningham finds these poll numbers "fascinating" and "counterintuitive." 

"While some voters who say they are more likely to vote for Trump after the conviction were already Trump voters, it's clear that Trump did gain a number of voters since the last poll, with the lion's share defecting from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr," said Cunningham. 

Trump is not the only candidate to take a recent lead in The Beacon Center polls. 

Although most appear divided on the state legislature as a whole, with only 43% approving of how it's doing its job, Senator Marsha Blackburn maintains a large candidate fanbase against her Democratic opponents. As the Senate primary nears, she holds a 20+ point lead against Rep. Gloria Johnson and Marquita Bradshaw. 

Credit: Source: Beacon Center

The poll also surveyed Tennesseans on relevant economic concerns for the state. The city of Nashville and rumors of a new Major League Baseball stadium have been a large topic of conversation.  

According to Beacon Poll results, the majority of voters believe state tax dollars should not go toward the stadium's potential construction. Only 27% of voters surveyed throughout Tennessee support the idea, while 58% do not. This belief is shared among Middle Tennesseans living in Nashville and surrounding areas, with only 32% in support of sacrificing state tax dollars for the project. 

Credit: Credit: Beacon Center

This feedback aligns with Tennessean's overall views on the local government's use of state tax dollars. The overwhelming majority, 72%, disagree that the local government should hold the power to hire contract lobbyists to lobby at the federal and state levels, condemning it on principle. 

Credit: Credit: Beacon Center

Inflation also remains a major area of concern. Nationwide, it continues to be one of the biggest concerns among voters. Beacon Poll data reveals that 80% of Tennesseans consider inflation to be "a big or very big problem for them," with 85% feeling this impact the most at the grocery store. 

Credit: Credit: Beacon Center

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