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And Finally: Gym fundraiser held for boy with spina bifida

(KNOXVILLE) Weightlifters and physical fitness enthusiasts on Thursday morning pumped iron to help a special little boy.

(KNOXVILLE) Weightlifters and physical fitness enthusiasts on Thursday morning pumped iron to help a special little boy.

The event was called "LIft for Eli," and it took place at Frankie's Body Shop on Broadway.

The fundraiser was meant to help 5-year-old Elijah "Eli" James and his family. Eli has a rare form of spina bifida that's typically considered fatal.

Eli uses a motorized wheelchair and attends physical therapy.

Thursday's event was called Life for Eli.

He's won over many friends and admirers because of his personality.

"His personality is larger than life. He is very much an extrovert," mom Dawn James said.

The boy also works out at Frankie's Body Shop.

"You know, it's a controlled environment," Dawn James said. "Rich has trained him and knows how to work with him and locate certain muscles that need to be activated."

On Thursday fellow gymgoers donated $25 to lift weights.

Thursday's fundraiser was held at Frankie's Body Shop on Broadway.

"Instead of it being in a hospital type environment or a therapy center, it's here with all the professional body builders and he gets to hang out and just be one of the guys," Dawn James said.

You can learn more about Eli and his journey on a special Facebook page.

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