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Remnant Fellowship members share memories of seven plane crash victims

The church said they plan to hold a memorial for the seven victims this weekend.

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — For the first time, members of the Remnant Fellowship Church are talking since the crash in an exclusive interview by our NBC affiliate, WSMV.

Rob and Tiffani Day say the deceased weren’t just their fellow church members, they considered them family. In fact, they live right down the road from Gwen and Joe Lara who they say influenced them to move from Texas to Tennessee 10 years ago.

Within moments after meeting Tiffani and Rob Day, it becomes obvious how Gwen Lara had a lasting impact on their family.

“We just became best friends, she was best friends with all of us,” says Tiffani. She says Lara was friends with every member of the church, a congregation of hundreds.

“It’s easy for an entire church to all know one pastor,” says Rob. “But our pastor, she knew each of us by name, she knew our dog’s names, she knew our children, our grandchildren’s names.”

Lara not only founded Remnant Fellowship, but also the Weigh Down Workshop. Tiffani credits the workshop for her weight loss journey after having children.

“I lost 50 pounds in that Bible study, it was a 12-week Bible study,” Tiffani said.

It’s a following met with years of controversy from those outside the congregation. But Tiffani and Rob say that didn’t matter to them.

“Thankfully, for the perseverance of Tiffani wanting to pursue it, it forced me to pursue it because my wife is going to be involved in this church that’s going to have controversies, I want to know what it’s about,” Rob says. “And that’s what caused me to come over and drive from Texas, almost a couple times a month, and what I heard did not match up with what I saw.”

The Days decided to move their family from Texas to Tennessee, take part in the Fellowship, and raise their five kids. They also moved right down the road from Gwen and Joe Lara.

Even with the loss of the Laras and the five other members of their church family, the Days say faith is pulling them through.

“When I think of the seven people, it’s a tragedy what happened, but everyone who knew them, their lives were changed based on the lives they lived,” Rob says. “Gwen always taught us you aren’t promised tomorrow. I guarantee you every single one of us understands that more than we ever did two days ago, which I think will propel us more with each day we are given. And so, we’ll be stronger.”

Gwen Lara leaves behind two children and their families. Jessica and Jonathan Walters have three young children. Jennifer and David Martin have five children and multiple grandchildren. And Brandon Hannah was the husband of Elizabeth Hannah, the daughter of Gwen Lara, (not involved in the crash), and four kids.

The church said they plan to hold a memorial for the seven victims this weekend.

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