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Knoxville College condemns political flyers sent by PAC supporting challenger in Democratic primaries

Team Kid PAC sent flyers supporting Dasha Lundy in her race against Rep. Sam McKenzie. Knoxville College said the flyers falsely implied it endorsed her campaign.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — People in Knoxville may have received flyers that support Dasha Lundy in her race against incumbent Democratic Representative Sam McKenzie in the party's primary elections. Those flyers drew the ire of Knoxville College after it described her as its executive vice president and COO.

The flyers were sent by the Team Kids PAC, a political action committee of Tennesseans for Student Success that has supported school choice initiatives in the past, including support for charter schools.

Knoxville College did not take a specific stance on policy matters in its statement about the flyers. However, it condemned the flyers for invoking the college's name. It also said Lundy's services at Knoxville College were terminated in 2023.

The college's full statement is below.

"It has come to our attention that a political mailer supporting Dasha Lundy has invoked Knoxville College’s name and mission. Let us be clear, we oppose any effort to appropriate our historic institution for any political campaign. Furthermore, Dasha Lundy’s services at Knoxville College were terminated last year. Dasha Lundy is no longer associated with Knoxville College, does not speak for Knoxville College, and should not invoke Knoxville College in her campaign.

We also want to state that State Rep. Sam McKenzie has been a champion for Knoxville College for many years and we appreciate his efforts in the State House. He is always ready to assist us when we call on him."

McKenzie said Republicans opposing his campaign are behind the PAC after he voted against lawmakers' school voucher proposal. The proposal would have allowed public money to be used to fund families' private school costs across the state. 

"Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to me? It's because I sat on the education committee and proudly defended public schools," said McKenzie. "I definitely understand why the college would say, 'Let's not engage in these kinds of petty, political things.'"

Dasha Lundy said she was pro-education, regardless of her stances on universal school vouchers and charter schools. The flyers said, "As the Executive Vice President and COO of Knoxville College, the only HBCU in East Tennessee, Dr. Lundy knows how a great education can lead to better life."

"I'm grateful for anybody that believes in me, believes in my leadership, believes in my open mind about things, so I have no issue with people backing me," she said. "I have been very disappointed in how the media has deemed me, or tried to say, that I'm part of a different party or I'm pro-voucher. What I really want to say is I'm pro-education."

She also described the PAC as being "pro-education." Tennesseans for Student Success said it was non-partisan.

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