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Service & Sacrifice: Veteran sets world records

An injury bounced JoJo Brasseaux from the battlefield during Operation Desert Storm. She credits her military service with helping her push through new challenges.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — For one East Tennessee military veteran forced home from war by an injury, the gym offered new challenges and a healing sanctuary.

“I had no purpose,” said JoJo Brasseaux. 

She is a 6-year Army veteran. A friend sent her a link to a weightlifting “curl contest," which eventually led to her earning competitions and setting records.

“I took first place in two divisions and set to world records,” she said.

She is 60 years old and has competed in lifting competitions on and off for almost 35 years.

“She just seems to have a lot of tenacity. She just sticks with it,” said Johnny Layne.

He said he has known Brasseaux for years and has directed more than 300 weightlifting events across the U.S.

“All-time world records for her weight class and age division, tremendous bench presser,” said Layne.

Brasseaux has a simple philosophy in the gym and in life.

“I tell people, I said, 'You will not know until you get up there and try.' That's the whole thing — (the way) I think about life, anyway. You won't know until you jump in with both feet," she said.

In addition to our on-camera interview, Brasseaux took time to answer 10 questions about the influence of her military career on her life. Those questions and her answers are available below.

1. What one person influenced you most in life?

My father james hutton, he was retired Senior Chief in the Navy

2. Do you feel honored and respected for serving your country?

yes I feel honored for serving, but I think today's generation has a different opinion

3. How can people thank you for your service?

Anything to help veterans, especially homeless veterans or helping veterans that have mental health issues,there are more than you think

4. How do you honor your fellow servicemen and women?

I try and get people to understand about what combat veterans go through, I donate to disabled veterans,and service animals for veterans.

5. How do you think this generation of military men and women is different or similar to yours?

Today's soldiers are trained better, the technology is better now, using drones and having better equipment to protect yourself. the problems we faced during the Gulf War and Desert storm, helped future combat veterans. The equipment and vehicles that needed better armor and better materials for the BDUs and boots

6. What influence did your military service have on the rest of your life?

Huge influence, I guess they say most combat veterans get into careers that are dangerous or some type of structured environment that reminds us of active duty, That's why I have been in the Nuclear industry for 25yrs

7. Does your family have a history of military service?

yes my father was a Senior Chief in the Navy and my grandfather was in the Army mechanic

8. Would you encourage younger generations in your family to join the service?

absolutely, it gives you a purpose, focus, pride, confidence, and skills

9. How has your opinion of war changed?

Yes,more about politics now and money, not about serving and keeping our country safe

10. How did your military experience shape your religious faith?

This is the most difficult question lol, I am more of a spiritual person, I will leave it at that

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