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WBIR's newest reporter gets the full Live at Five at Four Experience

You never know what you're going to see on Live at Five at Four, so Emily Stroud showed our new reporter the ropes for her first show.

Live at Five at Four now has not one but TWO Emilys.

We’ve debated whether to call them the“Emilys,” “Emilies,” “Emili,” “Emily2.,” and the list goes on. Whatever the way, double the Emilys means double the fun.

To prepare the newest Emily, Emily DeVoe, for her first show, Emily Stroud showed her a few of our favorite places to visit, starting with Knoxville’s Holidays on Ice in the heart of Market Square.

“So, what do you think?” Emily Stroud said as the two Emilys wobbled their way across the skating rink. “Emily, I’m from South Alabama. You’re better than me,” DeVoe laughed.

“So, what do you think?” Emily Stroud said as the two Emilys wobbled their way across the skating rink.

"Emily, I’m from South Alabama. You’re better than me,” DeVoe laughed.

Emily DeVoe moved to Knoxville with her husband, Charles, from their hometown of Mobile, Alabama, where she worked as a news reporter at the CBS affiliate.

“I’ve been a reporter for four years, and have somehow never held an animal on camera,” DeVoe said before Emily Stroud handed her a golden-colored corn snake during their stop at Ijams Nature Center.

"We love Ijams Nature Center. They have all sorts of cool things,” Stroud said.

"We do lots of programs for kids and adults teaching them what to be afraid of and what not to be afraid of,” explained Naturalist Stephen Lyn Bales as he held a tarantula in his hand.

Before heading back to the studio, the Emilys made a final stop at Zoo Knoxville to meet Einstein, a Congo African Grey parrot with an impressive vocabulary.

The Emilys snagged a picture with some of our special Star Wars guests on last week's Live at Five at Four show.

You can catch Emily DeVoe’s and Emily Stroud’s stories Mondays through Fridays on Live at Five at Four. If you want to welcome the newest Emily to East Tennessee, you can send her a message on Facebook at WBIR Emily DeVoe


Same name. Same style.

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