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'The scene was chaos': Four adults banned from Centennial Park after starting tee-ball brawl, police say

Two kids were hurt in a fight between parents at a tee-ball game in Crossville last Thursday, police said.

CROSSVILLE, Tenn. — Four parents are forever banned from stepping foot on Centennial Park after starting a brawl during a tee-ball game that hurt two kids, authorities said.

The Crossville Police Department said officers responded to a fight on the field last Thursday. When they arrived, they said the fight had stopped -- but people directed them to one of the dugouts.

Officers said two women, Amber Adams and Tracy Adams, had been involved in the fight. 

According to police, one of the women said her husband, identified as Nick Adams, was the coach.

While coaching, they said Nick was being yelled at by another woman -- Michelle Brown -- for being too hard on the the children he was coaching. 

Police said they were told Brown was being 'belligerent' and came through the dugout and onto the field where Nick was coaching. 

Police said when Brown began yelling at Nick, Tracy then stepped in and began arguing with her for yelling at her husband.

Amber, who police said was Brown's daughter, then ran onto the field and began arguing with Tracy.

During the argument, police said Amber's husband -- Nathan Adams -- was reported to have been inciting Amber to fight Tracy, yelling 'Kick her a**' and not to break up the fight.

At that point, police said Amber and Tracy began fighting, smashing a child up against a chain link fence. The child's brother was trampled to the ground with Amber stepping on his leg, police said.

When one of the fathers noticed his children were being trampled, he ran in to help and tried to push Amber off the child's leg before he was grabbed in a chokehold by another man -- who they identified as Steven Brown. 

The fight was eventually broken up before police arrived -- who said the 'scene was chaos.' Police had to close Turner field on the tee-ball side.

Police said no charges have been filed at this time, but the incident saw Amber Adams, Nathan Adams, Michelle Brown and Steven Brown all banned from the park indefinitely for being the 'main cause of the fight.'

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