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KPD: Man arrested for hitting 12-year-old with car, leaving the scene in Kingston

Nicolas Debord admitted to police he hit a preteen with his car and left the scene because of his suspended license, according to the Kingston Police Department.

KINGSTON, Tenn. — The Kingston Police Department said a 34-year-old was arrested after hitting a preteen with his car and leaving the scene on Wednesday. 

Nicolas Debord faces multiple charges after admitting to police he hit a 12-year-old with his car and left the scene because of his suspended license, according to Kingston police. When officers responded to the hit-and-run, they said they spoke to the victim and learned a sedan hit him on his left side. He had minor injuries. 

A neighbor's camera footage was reviewed and officers also said they found Debord's sedan at 115 King Circle. The police department said it had damage consistent with the victim's injuries and statements.

Debord was charged with reckless driving, driving on a suspended license, leaving the scene of an accident and reckless endangerment. The incident is still under investigation and more charges could be filed, KPD said. 

Lisa Crawley, the 12-year-old's stepmother, identified him as Waylon Santos. She said he was walking home from Cherokee Middle School to a close family friend's apartment. She said he was hit close to the intersection of Paint Rock Ferry Road and Woodlawn Drive, just outside of the school zone.

Crawley said Waylon was evaluated at an emergency room on Thursday, and he has no broken bones but he does have deep bruising. She said she is now advocating for sidewalks in the neighborhood.

She shared a statement with WBIR, which is available below.

"A child's safety should always be top priority. As Waylon's parents, we support total prosecution of Mr. Debord. He is a grown man and knows he should have stopped to check on our son after he hit him. A few more inches to the right would have resulted in absolute tragedy."

A Woodlawn Drive neighbor also said the street often has speeding cars.

"I've been outside working and every day, and it's constant. It's a 25 mph speed zone. I have literally sat in this front yard all day long and watched it. It's frustrating. I literally went inside yesterday right before the little boy was hit down there and I've seen it in school zones right in front of Kingston Elementary," said Christy Watson.

She said she had just left from doing yard work outside when it happened. She said she told her husband earlier that day that the neighborhood needed more safety protocols.

"I said to my husband, I really feel like speed bumps need to be in neighborhoods that are close to schools, period. I don't care if it's Knox County, Roane County, Monroe County — our children need to be safe," said Watson.

She said several people walk through the neighborhood and said something should be done to keep them safe. She said the sidewalk ends right at the intersection of Paint Rock Ferry and Woodlawn. 

"Our elderly walk here, our children should be able to walk here safely to Cherokee Middle School and they can't. That's frustrating. I think absolutely sidewalks for one. Children need to have a safe place to walk away from the road and you don't have that all the way into the neighborhoods or down, even along the other side of the road," said Watson.

Watson said speed bumps could also be helpful in slowing cars down when they drive through the Cherokee Hills neighborhood.

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