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Sinus massages: An alternative way to relieve congestion

Have you thought about a sinus massage to help with your congestion? It's an alternative to medicine that can help relieve symptoms of a cold.

The cold weather can mean a cold for your sinuses, but there's a way to relieve it you may not have thought of yet - a sinus massage.

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Juliet Gladson at the Allergy, Asthma and Sinus Center in Knoxville says it could for you.

"I think it's important to remember that everybody's different," Gladson said. "What may help one person, is not going to help everybody."

The human body goes back and forth - we can feel great one day, and not so great the next - stuffed up, especially as the cold weather continues.

But that's why Gladson encourages her patients to try anything, including a sinus massage.

"You need to remember that one fix may not be the answer," Gladson said.

The cold weather can bring on inflamed sinuses or just plain congestion during the winter months.

So what exactly is a sinus massage?

You or a massage therapist rubs your face and neck at certain pressure points.

The goal is to start the drainage and get rid of the congestion.

"I do think that relaxation plays a good point with massages, and so anybody that is being relaxed and rubbed on is on the road to healing," Gladson said.

And that road may be long.

"If you tried the massage and you tried the hot teas and you're going to your doctor and getting the antibiotics, you may have a better chance of your sinus infection getting better than if you just did the antibiotic and continued on with your life," she said.

Though Gladson says there hasn't been a lot of research on the benefits, it's still worth a try.

"If you try it, make sure you're hydrated, make sure the massage therapist is licensed and that they understand your background," she said.

She said to pick one with your needs in mind.

"Tennessee does license a massage therapist to practice, a blanket massage therapist, but there are so many different massage techniques, especially for the sinuses and for the face," she said.

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