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'Holiday sales are huge for us' | Local businesses downtown offer sentimental gifts for shoppers

Downtown businesses showed their appreciation for customers who chose to shop local for their gifts this holiday season.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Shopping for holidays can often mean big names and brands but small businesses in downtown Knoxville are seeing some people turn to the small guys — to get big reactions this gift-giving season.

"Christmas is always a really good time downtown," Lisa Cyr-Burnett, co-owner of Nothing Too Fancy, said. "And for us as a small business, it's kind of one of the most important times for us too."

Some people headed downtown for their last-minute gifts. 

"It's fun to like, not just have to go to Target or something and the crazy bustle and hustle," Mary Austin Slate said. "But to come support local and get some more personalized gifts, it's really fun." 

Gifts can take an extra meaning when bought from local small businesses.

"A lot of the gifts down here that you can get are like something to do with Knoxville," Slate said. "So it's fun to get like an ornament, a t-shirt, something artistic that, like, kind of can showcase something about Knoxville that's special."

The revenue generated during the holiday shopping season is crucial to businesses. 

"Holiday sales are huge for us," Cyr-Burnett said. "They really carry us through some of those slower months, so we really depend on Thanksgiving weekend through the New Year." 

According to the Downtown Knoxville Alliance, about 86% of businesses downtown are locally owned. 

"Every dollar you spend with a local business is going to stay much more local than anything you spend anywhere else," said Cyr-Burnett. "So for us, we appreciate every single purchase that comes through year-round, but especially at the holidays."

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