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Mosquito Mania: How to rid your home of the pesky insects after heavy rainfall

Get rid of standing water near your home to lower the chance of mosquitos breeding in your yard.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — After heavy rainfall over the last few weeks, people may soon notice an influx of mosquitoes. That's because the pests breed in standing water, which is left after rain events.

"Well, they love it," said Aaron Veal, owner of Phoenix Pest Control and associate certified entomologist. "That's how they lay their eggs, in water that's not moving, that gets stagnant."

Veal says rainfall is good for the insects because pest control companies are unable to get out and it also gives them a place to lay their eggs.

"When it rains, it's just exacerbating the whole thing, making more places for them to breed," said Veal.

All mosquitos can be annoying, but some mosquitoes can also carry diseases, including West Nile virus. The Knox County Health Department recently found some mosquitoes that tested positive for West Nile virus in Knoxville.

"Most people wouldn't have any adverse symptoms," said Kevin Clark, the Director of Environmental Health for KCHD. "But those who may have compromised immune systems could develop very serious symptoms and that's what we're trying to target."

This is why once mosquitoes test positive for the virus in an area, the health department sprays it. This reduces the number of biting mosquitoes in the area, which lowers the chance someone will get West Nile virus.

Everyone can still lower their chances of being bitten and the main thing to do, is to rid your yard of standing water.

"Look for kid's toys that collect water. Of course, pots and anything that you have stored, even piles of leaves, the gutters. A lot of people forget about their gutters," said Veal.

Veal says people should also keep their lawns mowed and their bushes cut. This helps dry things out faster, which limits the places for mosquitos to breed in your yard.

He adds people should reach out to pest control companies before they have a problem because many mitigation tools work by preventing eggs from hatching, which needs to be done sooner rather than later.


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