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Residents report water leak at Knoxville apartment building with many previously reported issues

At Summit Towers, residents are over 62 years old and some may have disabilities. Now some of them also struggling with getting water.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Queen Funchess has lived at Summit Towers for the last 15 years, but right now, she said it's a struggle.  

"One minute I have water, then I go back again and I don't have water. No water pressure or anything," she said.

Funchess lives on the 12th floor, and she said when she turns the faucet on the tub to heat water up for a shower, no water comes out.

"I go back in the bathroom to get in the shower, and where did the water go?" she said. "I got a sink full of dishes right now because I can't wash them."

Summit Towers said the problem has been going on for around two weeks. It said the leak is believed to be between the building's mechanical room and the sidewalk. It also said the issues residents faced related to low water pressure are mostly on the upper floors during high-usage times.

According to records from the city of Knoxville, water has also been reported as coming out brown.

"You can complain until you turn blue in the face, but until higher-ups do something about it, management has their hands tied," Funchess said.

She also said she loves where she lives, and does not blame the managers of the building. She also said she hopes the water issues will be fixed soon.

"It's the owner's problem. They don't want to give them the money to have things fixed the way they should be fixed," she said.

Managers with Summit Towers said they've found a plumber to come in and pinpoint the leak. They've scheduled the visit for Thursday.

Anyone who lives in government-assisted housing can report continued issues to the Tennessee Housing Development Agency at 1-800-2287-8432. Knoxville residents can also call 311 to report structural or infrastructure issues.

"I pay my rent," Funchess said. "I want water."

In August 2022, advocates said they were concerned after elevators at Summit Towers failed after failing several previous times during the year. The building is 12 floors high.

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