KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — On Sunday, Remote Area Metro's Salute to Service came to life for the 16th year in a row.
"Never forget the mission, always, always work towards preventing pain and alleviating suffering as much as you can," CEO Jeff Eastman said.
It's the kind of ideal Eastman said Stan Brook lived through and through.
"We come together Remote Area Medical and the community to honor and pay tribute to these individuals," he said. "From World War II all the way up to Korea, Vietnam and other conflicts along the way."
After 20 years in the United States Army, Daniel Morris now takes part in the Volunteer State Honor Guard.
"Oh my gosh it means everything to me, I've been in remote areas in Vietnam and they had no help," Morris said.
It is a role he said brings a lot of honor and the ceremony is the perfect opportunity to wear it on his sleeve.
"We are dedicated to what we do and put us in their heart," he said.
But this year also marked the 75th anniversary of D-Day a moment RAM founder Stan Brock made sure to never forget.
"I can't help but remembering a lot of those young people who are not much younger than I on June the 6th in 1944 lost their lives for our freedom," Brock said back in 2016.
Eastman said while Brock is no longer here his memory is woven through the very fabric of Remote Area Medical.
"Stan will always be in our hearts, always be in our minds..he created a great legacy moving forward," Eastman said.
And in moving forward his mission to honor veterans and help those who need it most will continue for years to come.
"Our goal really is to be able to treat as many people that need people in as many remote and rural areas," Brock said in 1993.