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Professor expected Andrew Jackson to be replaced on $20 bill

(WBIR - KNOXVILLE) Harriet Tubman will be the first African-American to appear on U.S. paper currency.

The Treasury Department announced earlier today that she'll appear on the $20 bill.

She’ll be replacing President Andrew Jackson, the only Tennessee president to have his face on a dollar bill.

Treasury officials confirmed to CNBC that Secretary Lew plans to announce that Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on a new $20 bill. 

Jackson put Tennessee on the map, but his legacy sparks controversy.

He owned slaves and commanded thousands of Native Americans to leave their homes and march west along what became known as the “Trail of Tears.”

University of Tennessee Professor Daniel Feller is an expert on Jackson. He figured Jackson’s days on the $20 bill were numbered.

"He's been perceived as vulnerable a long time. People don't remember this but just a few years ago there was a campaign to get him off the twenty dollar bill and replace him with Ronald Regan," Feller said.

Famous abolitionist Harriet Tubman will replace Jackson on the bill. Tubman helped hundreds of slaves escape the South along the Underground Railroad.

"She was a freed slave, she was an abolitionist, she was a human rights advocate. She was a significant woman in history,” Pat Pierce with the Women's Economic Council Foundation said. “We need to write women back into history. We haven’t had a woman on a significant piece of money in a long time.”

Jackson won't be completely kicked off the bill. He'll be moved to the back and incorporated into the existing image of the white house.

Other changes include the back of the $5 bill which shows the Lincoln Memorial. It'll be changed to depict historic events that happened there like Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech. The back of the $10 bill will tell the story of the women's suffrage movement.

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