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MDC hosts mental health first aid training

Metro Drug Coalition hosts adult mental health first aid training, but will now offer youth training as well.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Many people have probably taken a first aid class during their lifetime. Many people may already know what to do if someone gets a deep cut or passes out.

But would you know what to do if you encountered someone struggling with their mental health? A local organization wants to change that. 

Metro Drug Coalition has been hosting adult mental health first aid training classes for a few years, but this fall they are also going to start hosting youth mental health trainings.

It’s like a first aid class, but instead of focusing on the body, it focuses on the mind.

“I think it’s important to change the conversation around mental health,” said Jill Silvey, with MDC. “It’s a normal part of everyone’s overall health, but it’s an area people are reluctant to talk to other folks about.”

The eight-hour training teaches people how to identify, understand and respond when they encounter someone dealing with a mental illness or substance abuse disorder.

Marcia Lane took the class a couple of years ago.

“The most important thing to me was learning how to talk to people. And know when people are in distress and need help, and how to reach out and what to say," Lane said. 

MDC said it will give people the skills they need to support someone who may be having a mental health issue.

Silvey said those who take the class will learn a wide range of techniques including how to help someone who may just be having a bad day.

“Somebody may not be talking as much as usual, and you want to just ask them, ‘Is something going on’.”

That’s why MDC is going to offer youth mental health first aid training this fall.

According to the 2023 Tennessee Together Survey, almost one in four youth in Tennessee are considered to be at high risk of psychological distress.

The next adult mental health first aid training class is on September 26th

And the first youth mental health first aid training class is on October 2.

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