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Mayor's office: Blount County approves budget for next fiscal year

No new tax increase and no new debt will be accrued with the budget.

BLOUNT COUNTY, Tenn. — The Blount County Government Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 has passed.

Commissioners approved three budget resolutions at a meeting last week.

"I am proud that we’ve passed a balanced budget with no tax increase and no new debt," the Blount County Mayor's Office said in a Facebook post.  "Our Blount County citizens should be proud too."

The first allots $1,515,400 to either repair or replace the roof at William Blount High School. A request for funding from Blount County Schools CFO Krisi Yates notes the roof "has been extended beyond the useful life and leaks are prevalent under the front awning and in the school during heavy rains." 

The proposed project will replace the awning roof and seal a majority of the remaining roof, and provide a metal sheathing wall to the gym, according to the request. 

The second resolution approved by the commission is related to summer school programs within the Blount County Schools. According to Yates' proposal, the district wanted approval to utilize a $256,393 Summer School Tennessee State Grant to fund part of its summer school needs. 

"Grant funds will be used to provide innovative, student-centered academic programs during the month of June 2024," Yates wrote in the proposal. "Bus transportation and meals will be provided with the state grant funds." 

The final budget request approved by the Blount County Commission is an increase of the Blount County Sheriff's Office's Drug Fund Budget.

BCSO Deputy Chief Operations Jeff Clark wrote in a proposal the department is asking for $10,900 to accommodate donations for a K-9 officer.

The BSCO received a $10,000 donation from Pilot Co. to purchase a K-9, and a $900 donation from a private citizen to purchase a K-9 protective vest, Clark wrote.

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