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Knoxville engineering works to prevent future flooding

A not-so-glamorous project will help many avoid flooding in Knoxville

KNOXVILLE — Knoxville Engineering's latest project might not be the most glamorous, but it's very important.

After a $3.7 million dollar project at Cross Park to alleviate frequent flooding issues and a more than $1 million dollar project to do the same on Prosser Road, the newest undertaking is replacing miles of old pipes throughout the city.

"It's not like new infrastructure, new flashy stuff where we can fix a flooding problem, it's preventing flooding from coming back," Jim Hagerman with city engineering said.

Hagerman said it's typical for engineering to make the news when something goes very wrong or very right, but a lot of important work goes unnoticed -- one prime example being the pipe replacements.

"Nobody living next to it knows what's happened, but we will have prevented a lot of problems for a lot of people by doing that," he said. "We don't want it to be exciting."

Hagerman says small projects like this one are taking place throughout the city. Another project his group is taking on involves repairs around the Grainger Avenue bridge.

“None of this is as glamorous as something like Cross Park or Prosser. It’s a bunch of 'machinery pulls up and makes a lot of noise for a few days and then they leave,'" Hagerman said.

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