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Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries buys new space on Broadway

KARM said they've seen an increase in demand for services and it's time to expand.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Knox Area Rescue Ministries bought a new space off of Broadway for $2.15 million dollars. KARM's President and CEO Danita McCartney said the goal is to expand services and help more women get off the streets. 

They sealed the deal on Oct. 31, according to the warranty deed, and it's part of the Hope Fellowship property at the corner of Edgewood and Broadway. This was formerly known as The Second Baptist Church back in 2019. 

McCartney said the space is going to be for administrative offices that will focus on getting women and children off the streets. 

"Our first priority with that property will be to move some of our staff from our location on North Broadway," McCartney said. "We're out of space. And so over the last several years, KARM, as well as other rescue missions across the country, we've seen a dramatic increase in people seeking services and so it's our desire to expand what we do for women, by creating a space that will be dedicated 24/7 to women's services." 

KARM said over the last few years they saw more than a 50 percent increase in services. 

In order to be able to help 24/7 without adding to their existing facilities, McCartney said they're taking over some space where they could use them for their employees.

They're still going to be operating on North Broadway, so staff will also be required there, but the new space will be a new home for their administrative, their development and their volunteer staff. 

While they recently opened a new space in Fountain City, the president said that's different. 

"Fountain City is for women who are committed to a long-term recovery program," McCartney said. "When I refer to expanding women's services here, it's expanding women's services for those women who are street homeless, who are not in a program currently. They will be able to have access to case management in a more dedicated space, just for women."

It's going to take a few months to kickstart these services, McCartney said, and they hope to be able to be up and running early next year.  

The church is going to remain temporarily until they find a new space to move into. 

"There will be no homeless guest ever on that property," McCartney said. "No one will be staying overnight in the new property at any time. It's strictly for administrative functions, and some future initiatives that we'll share down the road."

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