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After kangaroos hop away from their Anderson Co. owner, Little Ponderosa steps in to help them back home

Little Ponderosa Zoo does have their own kangaroos on the property, however, they weren't the troublemakers this time around.

ANDERSON COUNTY, Tenn. — Multiple kangaroos escaped over the weekend, just not from where many expected. 

Little Ponderosa Zoo in Anderson County received a call about some wild Australian kangaroos on the loose close to their location. A neighbor who had seen the animals thought they must have escaped from the zoo. 

However, when zoo officials arrived, they learned that the escaped kangaroos belonged to a local resident. According to the Zoo, the animals were obtained legally and the owner was licensed by the state. 

Staff from the zoo helped to get the kangaroos back home safely.

"I thought we were gonna catch them and bring them here and find placement for them, but we got lucky when the guy showed up that they belonged to," said Corbin Cox, director of the Little Ponderosa Zoo. "We figured out where they gotta go and herded them down the road. People blocked the roads and got them headed up the right direction. Never had to put hands on them too much." 

Little Ponderosa Zoo does have their own kangaroos on the property, however, they weren't the troublemakers this time around. 

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