The congregation of a historic Knoxville church hasn't had a normal Sunday service in weeks after voting to get rid of its pastor.
More than once police have been called to the church during service.
The membership is divided between those who say they voted to remove Pastor Valentino McNeal, and those who support his leadership.
Mt. Olive Baptist has been around since the Civil War and served as a meeting place during the Civil Rights movement.
Now many in the congregation are asking Pastor Valentino McNeal step down.
“We held a church meeting last spring and he was voted out 86 to 5. That's 95 percent of the people who were present and voting decided it was time for him to move on, but he's refused to move on,” said church member Theotis Robinson, Jr.
Those who support Pastor McNeal claim that vote was not valid.
“We don't know if there people were members or not because we don't even know who came in and voted or not. As far as we know, someone came in off the street and voted the man out of the church,” said Trustee Board Member Wayman McLaughlin.
During Sunday's sermon, nearly half the congregation walked out.
Members on both sides of the issue say the situation is driving attendance and offerings down.
Those who want McNeal gone, question his leadership and his spending - including $10,000 for legal fees.
“The members of the church basically have the right to know what debt they're being obligated to repay and he went in and incurred this debt and they're not aware Robinson: We're paying our attorney fees out of our pockets, he should be doing the same,” said church member Annie Wright.
McNeal would not be interviewed on camera, but he says the money was used to hire an attorney to fight a lawsuit filed by some of the members against the church.
McNeal released a statement saying: "That's the last straw in their whole wicked scheme to embarrass this church, the kingdom of God, and embarrass me."
Both sides agree the fight is embarrassing and a solution is needed.
Both groups will be back in court hoping to resolve this lawsuit.