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Knoxville Photography Project highlights faces of the community

Have you seen the larger-than-life portraits yet?

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — You might have seen them. Large black and white portraits smiling down on you from fences and the sides of buildings around town. 

The larger-than-life pictures are part of a project called "Community Faces," where photographers Sara Blair McNally, Donna Moore, and Anna Lawrence spent the last few months snapping pictures of regular people in Knoxville and Blaine, Tennessee.

The exhibition is sponsored by The Big Camera, A1LabArts, The Tennessee Arts Commission and an Arts Build Communities Grant. 

The pictures portray the different personalities, backgrounds and interests of the people who call East Tennessee home. 

The 175 portraits will eventually fade and peel away from the Crafty Brewery wall, but Lawrence said they're not sure how long that will take, so see them while you can.

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