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Dr. Bob, host of 'The Dr.Bob Show' and recurring 'Live at Five at Four' guest, passes away at 85

Dr. Bob quickly developed a great relationship with WBIR, thanks to his dependability and eagerness to help the community.

Dr. Robert "Bob" Overholt, a local physician who appeared bi-weekly on WBIR's "Live at Five at Four" show, has passed. 

Overholt passed peacefully at his house at the age of 85 on Monday, June 10. 

Overholt began his medical career in Knoxville and dedicated his life to the community and his patients. He served as president of the Knoxville Academy of Medicine, as an active member of the Tennessee Medical Association, as a member of the American Medical Association and as a fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. He was given a distinguished service award from the Tennessee Medical Association. 

He was a passionate University of Tennessee fan and was, as he often said, "driven to serve." 

"He always found the best in everyone and looked to help them in their journey in the midst of his busy life," Overholt's obituary said. 

Jean Greer, his executive assistant of 54 years, says he was a kind and generous man.

"He loved life," said Greer. "He loved giving. He loved doing for others more than for himself. He loved his family dearly, and he loved the office, loved his patients, and always showed that and his office workers and nurses, he was just a loving gentleman that will always be remembered."

Overholt was a well-known media personality and quickly developed a great relationship with WBIR, thanks to his dependability and eagerness to help the community. He presented medical information twice a week on WBIR's now-retired "Live at Five at Four" show. 

Overholt also hosted the popular television program, "The Dr.Bob Show" for over 30 years. The show won more than two dozen Telly Awards. 

"We should all remember his 4 axioms of good living: exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, get a good night’s sleep, and always have laughter in our life," Overholt's obituary said. 

Dr. Bob was a devoted member of West Hills Baptist Church.

He served as a deacon for 45 years.

"Dr. Bob is one of the most generous people that you could ever meet, and every church deserves to have somebody like him," said Drew Prince, senior pastor at the church."I would describe him as the Barnabas of our church. He was the encourager and just has given the church so much. Is one of the most generous people you would ever meet. People are going to remember Doc's laughter. People are going to remember his generosity, but most of all, they're going to remember his loving spirit."

Pastor Prince said Dr. Bob played a big role in the beautification of the church grounds.

"Dr. Bob was very serious about the beauty of our church grounds, and he put a lot of time and effort into it over the years, and it shows and the idea was not just to have beautiful grounds,' said pastor Prince. "The idea was to create a sense of peace when someone is walking in God's house and people commented on all the time they come in, they pull in our parking lot, they see how beautiful it is, and it gives them the feeling that this is somewhere that they want to be."

Pastor Prince said the garden was dedicated to Dr. Bob in 2019.

"When we dedicated these gardens to Dr. Bob, we did it as a surprise, and it was during the Sunday School hour, so it was when he was teaching," said Pastor Prince. "So we told everybody, without telling him, to get up and walk out here at 10:15 in the middle of the Sunday School hour. So Doc's up there teaching Sunday school, and all of a sudden everybody starts walking out of the room, and he's like, 'What is going on?' He's like, 'I guess we're going outside.' And he came out here, and he was kind of frustrated because everybody was walking out of a Sunday school class. And then we surprised him with this memorial."

Greer said she's gotten many text messages since Dr. Bob's passing, including many former employees.

"They say, out of all of my career, I enjoyed working for Dr. Overholt the most," an employee said. "He taught me the most, and he lived the way he taught, and he was so given and kind. And I think that speaks volumes of who Dr. Overholt was."

Greer said people should remember him most for his heart.

"He was such a sweet and caring gentleman that we just all loved dearly," said Greer. "He was such a blessing to everyone. He had the biggest heart of anybody that I've ever known. And he was caring and loving and dedicated to his patients. And he taught me, over the 54 years that we were together in the office, he taught me the importance of giving back to helping people and helping your community and giving. And he was most happy when he was seeing patients and when he was doing things for others. And that was kind of his motto, to do things for others. And we dearly will miss him."

Overholt leaves behind his wife of 63 years and two sons. A memorial service will be held at West Hills Baptist Church on June 16 at 12:30 p.m. following the morning worship service. A receiving of friends will follow. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to West Hills Baptist Church. 

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