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Bear dents teen's car in Northeast Knoxville

McKensi Burchell was eating at the Cracker Barrel on Millertown Pike when a server said "look out the window!"

It might have been cute at first, but not for long.

McKensi Burchell, 18, had parked her new Ford Mustang outside the Cracker Barrel on Millertown Pike in Northeast Knoxville and gone inside for a bite to eat.

"We just ordered and a waiter came by and said 'you want to see something funny? There's a bear out in the parking lot.'"

So Burchell ran to the window just in time to see a black bear that had climbed onto the row of parked cars.

"And it just like jumped off the 4 Runner and just flopped on to my car and dented the top."

Whether the bear belly flopped or slipped on the sunroof, it definitely did some damage.

"I just couldn't believe it. What are the chances that a bear is just going to jump on your car?" Burchell said.

The Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency said that animals often travel to more populated areas by following corridors cut through the woods by large power lines.

Apparently, wild blackberries grow along those power lines...they're just coming into season and the bears love them.

Burchell said the bear that jumped on her car went north toward Knoxville Center Mall.

TWRA sent officers to the area, but they couldn't find the bear. They say they think it has moved on.

Burchell had no choice but to call the insurance company.

"When I called her, she started laughing at me. She was like 'a bear, really?' and I was like 'yeah.'"

She says they can laugh, but in the end, they're just going to have to grin and bear it.

"There's nothing they can really do about it. They're just going to have to fix it."

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