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After Kate Spade's death, suicide experts urge you to know warning signs

Kate Spade's death has given suicide experts another reason to make sure people know there is help available if you are having suicidal thoughts.

Fashion Icon Kate Spade set out to design the perfect handbag in 1993.

Now her name is attached to a fashion empire.

Tuesday morning, Spade was found dead in her New York City apartment. Authorities believe her death was an apparent suicide.

“My first reaction of Kate Spade's death was a sadness,” Amy Dolinky, East Tennessee Regional Coordinator with the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network.

Suicide prevention experts say thousands of people fall victim to suicide each year and life pressures can affect all people for different reasons.

Mental Health Awareness: Suicide prevention resources

“For celebrities, it could be the appearance they need to keep up or issues with substance abuse disorders. Those things may be present,” Dolinky said.

Dolinky said any suicide negatively effects people close the situation, but with celebrities the scope broadens.

Actor and comedian, Robin William's suicide is an example.

“With Robin Williams we saw a 10 percent increase in suicides across the country and it's really about the perceived connection. So even though we don't have these people at our house for dinner we still have that connection with them,” Dolinky said.

Now, suicide prevention experts are encouraging people to know the signs and realize how often this happens, not only to celebrities.

“What you're looking for is any drastic mood or behavior change in an individual, positive or negative.

In 2016, Tennessee lost 1,110 people to suicide, an increase from 1,065 in 2015. Dolinky said those numbers have a ripple effect.

“When we lose someone close to us by suicide that increases our risk by 4 times,” Dolinky said.

If you want to make a difference, experts suggest looking for the signs.

Someone giving things away or writing things or drawing pictures associated with death can be one of many signs.

You could save someone just by paying attention to the impact of events in someone's life.

If you or someone you know is dealing with thoughts of suicide, there are people who want to help.
You can call the Suicide lifeline 1(800)-273-TALK Or you can text "TN" to 741741.

RELATED: Designer Kate Spade found dead in New York

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