KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — As you look to save some money when you are out and about shopping, thrift stores can be a great option for you, especially on National Thrift Store Day.
Right now you are likely paying more for a lot of things. From groceries to travel you have noticed prices creeping up. Well, that is where thrift stores come in handy. Thrift stores sell items at a lower, discounted price than traditional stores.
10News Today visited Finders Keepers on Centerline Drive and its manager, Emma Washam, shared some useful tips on how you can save the most money if you plan on shopping at a thrift store soon:
1. Visit thrift stores regularly. Washam said they put out things almost hourly, so coming in regularly really helps you find the best deals.
2. Use frequent shopper cards. The majority of stores have these cards available and they will help you get extra savings on items that are already discounted. For example, Finders Keepers' shopper stamp card gets you one stamp for every $15 and ten stamps fill up your card. Once you have filled up your card, you can redeem it for $15 off of any $25 purchase.
3. Follow thrift stores on social media. Washam said a lot of thrift stores will give extra discounts if you are following them online. You can also find online-only promotions.
"They (thrift stores) are more fun than you would think," Washam added. "It is fun kind of digging around and seeing what you can find. I would say it is a good idea to know what you are looking for but to have an open mind coming in."
A new report shows 244-million Americans say they were open to shopping second-hand. In 2022, more than half of shoppers bought second-hand apparel, which is up from 2020. Aside from that, second-hand stores are also retaining more shoppers than any other category with more than 80 percent of first-time thrifters.
Washam explained thrift shopping has become very trendy with more high school and college students coming in. She said the view of thrift shopping has changed from a necessity of shopping to more of a novelty.
"We want people to come in and like feel like this is something fun and not that they are forced to come in to buy something at a lower price," she added. "We are able to show more eclectic pieces that, you know, especially the younger generations really like to find."