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Study shows Tennessee smoking rates among the highest in the country

This report is from Truth Initiative, an anti-smoking nonprofit. The study compared a group of 12 states dubbed the "Tobacco Nation" compared to the rest of the US

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A new study shows Tennessee still has one of the highest cigarette smoking rates in the country. The health consequences that can come from smoking cigarettes have been long-known to health experts.

"Cardiovascular health, increase risk of heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer — there are actually 12 different kinds of cancer that are increased by smoking," said Dr. Robert Wilson from the Covenant Medical Group. 

The study is from an anti-smoking nonprofit, Truth Initiative. Tennessee is one of 12 states, from Louisiana to Michigan, that the study calls "Tobacco Nation." Those states have a higher rate of smoking among adults and children than the rest of the country. 

Creating more education about the harms of smoking and available treatment may be key in lowering the state's number of smokers, they said.

"I think spending money on cessation programs and having doctors talk with their patients and let them know that we can help them quit smoking, we can provide medication and provide nicotine replacement therapy and provide counseling," said Dr. Wilson. 

The study also suggested raising the tobacco tax rate in Tobacco Nation states. In Tennessee, the tax is $0.62 per pack, compared to a nationwide average of $1.91.

Tobacco has always had a big impact on East Tennessee.

"Historically the tobacco crop has been responsible for putting many meals on tables and presents under Christmas trees in East Tennessee," said Mitchell Richardson, an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee. 

The state has one of the highest rates of smokers but doctors are hopeful that they'll see change.

"I think most people know cigarettes carry long-term consequences to your health, but we need to encourage our patient's to begin that process of quitting," said Wilson. 

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