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East Tennessee businesses split on how to enforce mask rules with the CDC's new guidance

Some say they think it is still a little too early to get rid of masks, but are struggling with how to enforce rules now that the CDC's new guidance blurs the line.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — After a year of masks mandates, the CDC announced fully vaccinated people do not have to wear masks in most situations now. 

“How do I handle that in here?” asked Carmen Smith. 

Smith is the owner of Trendz Salon over in Franklin Square in West Knoxville. 

Spanish Version: Negocios locales están divididos en cuanto a la aplicación de normas sobre uso de mascarillas tras nueva guía del CDC

“There are still a lot of people who are not vaccinated in the state of Tennessee,” she said. 

In a recent post on Facebook, Smith expressed her concerns and is wondering how she will implement safety protocols with the new guidelines.

“So I’ve still got to make sure everyone is protected, and my stylist and nail techs are protected, as well as my customers,” said Smith. 

While businesses are still allowed to implement mask requirements for customers, she said the issue is that many will take the CDC's messaging as as a sign it's also safe for unvaccinated people to take the mask off.

She is also concerned about customers being honest. 

“So do we let people take off their mask fully vaccinated, and if they are fully vaccinated, are you really telling me you’re vaccinated?” she said. 

She said 90% of her staff is vaccinated, but she thinks it is still a little too early to get rid of the masks.

“I think it might be too soon,” she said.

On the other hand, some people think the CDC’s new guidelines could motivate people to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Others are skeptical and believe it's not really much of an incentive since there is no practical way for most businesses to discern between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

“If it motivates people to get the vaccination, that would be wonderful. But I don't know how that would do that,” said Jane Mason. 

 Some believe there needs to be a better way to for people to prove they've had the shot.

“They need to make it where you have to have your card on you. I’m not saying stop you on the street and say where's your vaccination card, but they should have it where if a store owner asks, then yeah,” said Megan Reipe. 

Many large chains are reviewing their mask policies, with some such as Walmart announcing they will no longer enforce face coverings for vaccinated people in their stores. These stores have not said how they intend to enforce mask wearing for unvaccinated people, though, meaning it appears they are working off the honor system. 

Smith is still trying to figure out what works for her business.

“We're still asking all the questions, you know, making them sign a release form saying, 'Hey, there's still a pandemic out there,'” said Smith.

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