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WBIR Survey Results: 86% of participants do not support school voucher plan

Participants found voucher programs in other states concerning and 82% said they would not use the voucher program if offered.
Credit: WBIR
Survey results, school voucher survey as of 8/11 at 3:30 p.m.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — After a week and more than 1,300 responses as of Aug. 11, parents, teachers and taxpayers weighed in: the overwhelming majority of people do not feel public funds should be used in private schools. 

Some key findings: 

  • 86% or 1,153 people who took WBIR's school voucher survey said they did not support Gov. Bill Lee's school voucher plan. 
  • 13% or 168 participants say they do support the plan.
  • Less than 1% or 12 participants answered other, with some asking for exceptions in rare circumstances.
  • 82% of participants said they would not use the program.
  • 90% of participants said if private schools receive public funds they should be held to similar academic standards as public schools in Tennessee. 
  • 12% of participants feel it is okay for their tax dollars to go towards private schools, even those that are religious.

Want to weigh in? Here's the link to our article with the survey.

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