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Education advocates expect Tennessee lawmakers to propose legislation on cell phones in schools

A dozen other states have passed laws about cell phone use in schools and three states passed bans on them.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Education advocates said they expect Tennessee lawmakers to propose legislation that could ban cell phones in schools. The next legislative session is expected to start on Jan. 14, 2025. Advocates said proposals about students' cell phone use may range from total bans to guidelines for individual school districts.

“We expect that to be one of the first bills filed in the next legislative session,” said JC Bowman, with Professional Educators of Tennessee. “I do see a policy, particularly among early grades, to ban them. Probably putting some real restrictions on middle school.”

Twelve other states have passed laws on cell phone use in schools, and three states have passed laws banning cell phones from schools. Lawmakers in some of those states said the laws are meant to limit distractions, prevent cyberbullying and push for healthier social behavior. However, opponents of the proposals said students need cell phones for medical issues and to contact parents in an emergency.

“I think during the school day there is no reason to have that in their backpacks,” said Mary Claire Reynolds, mom of a second and fourth grader at Sylvan Park Elementary in Nashville.

The three states that banned cell phones in schools are Floria, South Carolina and Louisiana.

“They will have to make exemptions for healthcare in there,” said Bowman. “And once you put one in there you have to say, 'What’s another one?'"

The Professional Educators of Tennessee advocacy group sent a release saying state laws should "empower local education agencies and schools with the authority to regulate their own students."

“The state can pass a law if they want to,” said Bowman. “But at the end of the day, I think it’s best left up to the school or the LEA.”

Knox County Schools lets students have a cell phone on school grounds, as long as it is turned off and kept in a backpack. High school students in the county can use their phones during lunch periods and while changing classes.

However, students in Bristol cannot use cell phones at all while at school. The principal of Bristol Tennessee High School said the goal of the policy was to keep students more engaged in the classroom.

Bowman said he wants consequences in place if students violate cell phone policies.

This story was originally reported by WSMV in Nashville.

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