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'It's not the teachers, it is the test that is causing the problems' | Moms speak after learning their third-graders did not pass TCAP tests

The test now determines whether a student can advance to the fourth grade, or if they need to go through other pathways before advancing.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Two students from different school districts recently learned they did not pass the ELA portion of the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program exam — meaning they face being held back in the third grade if they don't complete remedial pathways.

Their parents said they did not pass the exam despite months of preparation and consistently good grades. One lives in Cumberland County, and Kayla Willis said when she had to break the news to her 9-year-old, he broke out into tears.

"I was like, 'No, buddy. I'm serious. You didn't pass.' I mean, it was just tears for a few hours," she said. "He knew that he'd ace it, and he was ready to take it."

She said the student earned "A" and "B" grades throughout the school year, and tested high on benchmark exams. She also said he prepared for the TCAP exam, studying before the test day came. 

She said he retook the exam, but he didn't pass that either. So, the family appealed to the Tennessee Department of Education. She said after weeks of testing and stress, he is expected to enter the fourth grade but will require state tutoring throughout the year.

"The state just needs to realize that one test should not determine a pass or fail for a child," she said. "It's not the teachers. It is the test that is causing the problems."

Another student, 8-year-old Lyla, was on the honor roll and an athlete. Her mother, Sarah Verzyden, said she was ready to take the test.

"I said, 'How was the first day of TCAP?' and she was like, 'It was fine. It was easy,'" she said.

However, questions and frustration soon began. They started with an email from the school district telling her that Lyla did not meet proficiency requirements on the exam and needed to retake the test.

Verzyden said she was not given her student's exact scores when trying to decide how to proceed.

"I just felt like they were withholding the scores to force you into retaking the test," she said. "I would just like the whole process to be transparent."

She said days later, she received another email saying Lyla scored in the "approaching expectations" category and could move on to the fourth grade with tutoring.

A spokesperson for Knox County Schools said information about TCAP scores is not available until June 24 at the earliest. The state department of education also said they would not be released for several more weeks.

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