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Knox delegation members ask for UT Diversity Office review

(KNOXVILLE) State lawmakers from Knox County are seeking a full legislative review of the University of Tennessee's Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

<p>Tennessee's state capitol</p>

(KNOXVILLE) State lawmakers from Knox County are seeking a full legislative review of the University of Tennessee's Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Lawmakers led by state Rep. Eddie Smith, R-Knoxville, sent letters Monday to Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey and House Speaker Beth Harwell seeking creation of a special joint committee to look into the office, which promotes a multi-ethnic campus community.

The Tennessean reported Monday night that Harwell had agreed to the committee's creation.

A written report would be due by March 30, close to the anticipated end of the legislative session.

Some critics including some state and federal lawmakers have objected to recent projects or initiatives launched by the office, including one to consider use of "gender neutral" pronouns.

Late last year, U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan, R-Knoxville, led objections to efforts by the office to promote a broader cultural observance of the Christmas holidays. The office had suggested UT workers could hold holiday parties that were not merely Christmas parties "in disguise."

The committee, as requested, would hear testimony about the office and its activities.

Knox County delegation members want the committee to be composed of Senate Education Committee members and House Education Administration and Planning Committee members.

It would be "convened as soon as possible," according to a release from the delegation.

Area lawmakers also want to expand their scope to include "all Offices of Diversity for public higher education schools, which are funded through taxpayers dollars, in the state of Tennessee."

Lawmakers want to look into people and committees involved in diversity efforts, "funding of and spending by these offices and persons, objectives of these offices, the practices and nature of activities by persons within these offices and colleges, resource allocation, and the actual productivity and efficiency of persons engaged in diversity activities," according to the delegation release.

The office, in part, oversees university diversity councils and commissions as well as administrative offices and programs.

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