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DA: Former UT student convicted of raping unconscious woman

Gavin John Quaedvlieg asked the victim to forget about the incident and offered to pay her to not report the rape.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A former University of Tennessee student was convicted of raping an unconscious woman, according to District Attorney Charme Allen.

25-year-old Gavin John Quaedvlieg and the victim met at an off-campus apartment on Feb. 23, 2020. Quaedvlieg gave the victim a "dab," which is a concentrated marijuana extract, the DA said. 

The victim became sick and repeatedly told Quaedvlieg to not touch her before losing consciousness. The victim woke up to Quaedvlieg sexually assaulting her, according to the DA. 

Quaedvlieg asked the victim to forget about the incident and offered to pay her to not report the rape. The victim reported the crime to the Knoxville Police Department, UT and the Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee, the DA said. 

“This victim was incredibly brave to come forward and confront her abuser,” Allen said. “The jury credited her testimony and came to a just verdict.”

Judge Steve Sword revoked Quaedvlieg’s bond, ordered him into custody and set his sentencing case for Feb. 23, 2022.

Rape is a Class B felony that carries a punishment of eight to 12 years. 

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