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Dandridge man faces charges for entering Capitol and using threatening language during Jan. 6 Insurrection

Court documents said Bart Gore was filmed several times at the U.S. Capitol and posted on social media that he wanted to join with "East TN Proud Boys" in D.C.

DANDRIDGE, Tenn. — Another man from East Tennessee is facing charges after authorities accused him of participating in the Jan. 6, 2021 Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

According to court documents, Bart Gore, from Dandridge, was filmed several times at the Capitol grounds as crowds illegally entered the building. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a confidential source told investigators that Gore could have been one of the people at the Capitol in June 2022.

The FBI said agents interviewed him in November 2020 on a separate matter and he provided his phone number. Law enforcement compared that phone number with some information taken from a phone company, retrieved through a geolocation warrant. The FBI said his phone matched a phone that was located in the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

Law enforcement also said agents found several social media accounts for Gore, including one on Parler. The social media platform was heavily used by supporters of former President Donald Trump, before it went offline in April 2023. One of the comments from Gore's Parler account is below, according to court documents.

"Heading to DC on Tuesday. Looking for some fellow WV Proud Boys or East TN Proud Boys to meet. Time and place??"

The FBI said on Jan. 7, another comment was posted by Gore's account. It is available below.

"Let me give you some first hand info on today's capital. The mainstream media's hypocrisy is on full display tonight. Trump supporters have been silenced and shut out. All we ask for is transparency and facts. They (we) are sick of always being on the defense. We are passive. No longer, though. I was there. The destruction and devastation wasn't what Patriots wanted. As a matter of fact, most of the destruction was Antifa. Just look at pics people are posting."

Several false claims spread across social media after the Jan. 6 Insurrection, claiming that anarchist groups and "Antifa" perpetrated violence there and destroyed property.

Credit: FBI

The FBI said Gore was spotted inside and outside the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6 wearing blue jeans, dark gloves, a black backpack and sometimes a dark beanie with a medical mask and safety glasses.

The documents said he was recorded by a video camera inside the Senate Fire Door leading to the Capitol building's Brumidi Corrido at around 2:48 p.m. on Jan. 6 and left the door as a crowd was pushed out of the Capitol building a minute later.

The FBI said he was also recorded using a cell phone while on restricted grounds of the U.S. Capitol.

Credit: FBI

The FBI said agents also received information from Apple about Gore, including photos and videos. In one video, the FBI said he climbed the West Front stairs and made several statements including, "Ready to go in," and "Here we come." 

He also said, "Going in the Capitol," before smiling in a video. Shortly after, the FBI said Gore said, "I been pepper sprayed, tear gassed but I made it."

In a second video from Apple, he was seen entering the Senate Fire Door at around 2:47 p.m. before walking to the Brumidi Corridor.

The FBI also said it received information from Meta. In those records, the FBI said Gore sent private messages to a friend over Facebook saying he planned to go to Washington D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021.

"I'd love to be the one to capture Obama or Hillary. I'd strip them naked and beat them with a belt and switch. Then I'd rest and beat them some more," the FBI said one of the messages read.

In another message, the FBI said Gore planned to bring a rifle with him to the Insurrection.

Credit: FBI

"Dude, do you realize we may be a huge part of history? Just like in 1776. I want to do my part," said another private message, according to the FBI. "I don't care. If it's good enough for my brothers to be fighting, it's good enough for me. I don't want to live in a communist country. I'll fight til I can't fight anymore to keep my kids from living that way."

On Jan. 12, 2021, he also sent private messages about the Jan. 6 Insurrection.

"I wasn't satisfied. I would've been satisfied if they had brought Nancy's head out on a stick," one of the messages said.

Gore faces charges for illegally entering a restricted building and trying to disrupt government business. He also faces charges for using threatening language in the Capitol building to try to impede a session of Congress.


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