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KARM prepares to keep unsheltered people warm ahead of freezing temperatures

Wind chills could reach as low as -20 degrees on Friday, which could cause severe health problems for anyone stuck outside.

KNOX COUNTY, Tenn. — Shelters across East Tennessee are preparing for freezing weather that's expected to hit the area Thursday night through to the holiday weekend.

Knox Area Rescue Ministries are calling unsheltered people to come to them for a place to stay during the freezing temperatures. KARM said the cold temperatures can quickly lead to health problems if people are left outside.

Workers at KARM are chopping vegetables, shredding meats and preparing beds because they expect an increase of people to walk through their doors as colder weather moves in.

Todd Gilbert, Chief Operating Officer at KARM, said that they are ready and have an overflow of spaces ready. 

"For weather like this that we're about to experience this weekend, where it gets into the teens and below, we can see upward near 400 and above people staying with us overnight," Gilbert said. 

Wednesday night alone, they are expecting around 100 women and 200 men to stay overnight. Each of their guests receives three meals a day with much other assistance.

"We're going to supply them with a warm meal, warm bed, warm shower, and people who are ready and willing to help them move forward," he said.

This year alone, they say they've seen a 38% increase in occupancy and they're ready to house and feed as many people as possible since these conditions can lead to health problems. 

Their outreach efforts begin with a conversation that is meant to lead people inside. They say their guests come from all walks of life seeking a welcoming place to stay. 

KARM is also collecting gifts and hoodies to give out to their guests as a way to spread some Christmas cheer to those who need it the most.

"Christmas is a special time, and so we do Christmas big here at KARM," Gilbert said. "Christmas Day, we have a ham coming in and we have all the sides prepared to do a nice dinner for our guests."

They are taking new or gently used sweater donations until Christmas. For more information on how to help and volunteer this holiday season, you can visit their website at karm.org.

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