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Johnson City ministry and nonprofit leaders meet to brainstorm solutions for homelessness

Faith and nonprofit leaders met in Johnson City to create solutions and help people experiencing homelessness in their area.

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. — A group of Johnson City ministry and nonprofit leaders met Thursday to brainstorm ways to address homelessness.

”This homelessness situation needs action steps,” Julia Sochalski said.

The group was formed in response to complaints from some downtown business owners about public urination and people laying in doorways. Some of those business owners said they want homeless people to leave, but Steve Wheeler says that's not the right approach.

“Homelessness can be solved, but it's going to take money. It's going to take brainpower,” Wheeler said.

Wheeler serves meals daily at Munsey United Methodist Church. He points to a nonprofit in Austin, Texas that houses people in a community of tiny homes until they can get back on their feet.

“It provides them with an opportunity to stay and recover before they go back on the streets,” he said.

The goal is to form a plan that will work in Johnson City and invite city leaders to join.

“We can meet that need, and by meeting that need, it will make the city cleaner, safer, a better place to live,” Sochalski said. “Homeless people are people. The homeless people I have met have stories. I know it's a hard fact for people to wrap their heads around who have money, but I would say all of us are only certain circumstances and time away from potential homelessness ourselves.”

Wheeler plans to meet with downtown churches to discuss what they can do next week.

This story was originally reported by WCYB in Bristol.

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