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Elijah James' celebration of life spread tears, joy and love amongst family and friends as they shared moments of their special boy

Friends and family gathered to celebrate and share moments of Elijah James that will live in their hearts forever.

POWELL, Tenn. — Memories, love and laughter overflowed Elijah James' celebration of life. Friends and family honored him by wearing their own versions of color and Chucks.

Eli's story has touched many people's lives. On Sunday, his memorial service, held at Mynatt Funeral Home, was filled with tears, laughter and love reflecting the impact he left behind. 

Denise Rowe, a close family friend, said it's who he was.

"If you ever met Eli, he had a mohawk that was colored with his Chuck Taylors on. He was a very colorful kid," Rowe said. "Spunky, he was so spunky [and] was not afraid to tell you how he felt, what was on his mind."

Eli was determined to get through the challenges. Even though he wasn't able to do what other kids his age could do, his spirit wasn't letting go. 

He expressed himself in every way he could. 

"He couldn't walk, he couldn't run and play kickball. He couldn't do the normal kid things," Rowe said. "So many doctors, nurses, they just loved him because he was just so full of life and never felt sorry for himself ever."

His powerful personality followed an unshakable support system. Rowe said she remembers when he got his first power wheelchair and that gave him independence. 

Eli's family was there for him to help him every step of the way.

"His mom, being such the amazing advocate that she was for him, got him into power wheelchair activities and sports and he was part of a team," Rowe said. "When he got that first power chair, it was a game changer for him. He went to school with my son, Ethan, but it wasn't easy for him, but you would never know it. He smiled all the way through it." 

Credit: Chrissa Loukas

Rowe has given her own battle of loss. Her son Ethan passed away about 8 years ago after fighting childhood cancer. It was around that time when Rowe was fragile that she became close with Eli's mom, Dawn.  

Despite Dawn's own caregiving responsibilities, Rowe said she would bring her food and support her in many ways.

"You know, for you or I to drop off a meal to somebody is a fairly simple thing that we can do," Rowe said. "For her with a medically fragile child is not an easy thing to do. Load him up in the car, go get food and load him in the car."

Eli loved music and always had music playing in the background, like one of his favorites, Dean Lewis. 

If he was here he would've been at the center of attention, Rowe said, because he knew he was a big deal.

Eli was a blessing and a fighter until his last breath. His memories, love and laughter will live forever. 

"He would love to see all of these people. All of their bright colors," Rowe said. "He would just he would celebrate, he would celebrate with everybody," Rowe said.

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