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The Momo Challenge is terrifying and no one can prove it's real

Is there really a terrifying creature popping up in your kid's videos and telling them to harm themselves?

It's all over the internet, and we know you are concerned. We hear you, and we understand. 

Described as a suicide game, the terrifying image of a woman with bulging eyes is allegedly popping up in kids' videos on platforms like YouTube and telling kids to attempt dangerous stunts or even kill themselves. 

So what is it? Here's what we know so far. 

GET MORE: Verify | 'Momo Challenge' rumors are back. YouTube says it may be exaggerated

What's Fake:

When you see Momo being called a "hoax", it doesn't mean your child didn't see a terrifying image of this thing. The hoax is that YouTube has said they haven't been able to find any of the videos, and if they did, they'd take them down immediately. The situation of your child sitting down to watch Peppa Pig and having Momo pop up halfway through and encourage them to do disturbing things is what is being called a hoax.  "The Momo Challenge", in that regard, is a hoax. 

What's Real: 

The scary image actually exists. It's a Japanese sculpture, and images of it are on YouTube, so your kids could have seen it. The problem now is that videos of Moma are certainly on YouTube, but not through any official platform. What's being seen are video of videos, clips people have taken that appear to show Momo popping up at random. 

The more likely scenario is that a tech-savvy classmate knows videos of Momo exist online, and show your child these real videos of edited videos. The impact of seeing that re-edited, unverified video is still traumatizing children and it's a situation that stemmed from this overall hoax. 

We asked a local social media expert to address the issue on 10News at 5, and then to answer viewer questions on our Facebook page. You can watch the video at the top of the page and here:


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