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'Give each other a little bit of grace' | Relationship expert offers tips as many as staying safe at home with partners, roommates

Research from China shows there has been a spike in divorces amid the pandemic.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn — Research from China shows there has been a spike in divorces amid the pandemic. Couples are forced to spend more time together as they're doing their part to stay at home.

This also applies to families and roommates. 

You're not alone if you're been feeling some frustration during this time with those relationships. Doing your part to stay home has likely put you in close quarters with a partner, family members or roommates more than usual. 

"When we're stressed those patterns of interactions can turn negative," said Dr. Patricia Roberson with the University of Tennessee. She said stress from COVID-19 isn't helping.

For couples she offers this advice: Be mindful and pay attention to your pattern of interactions and take responsibility for how you contribute to those patterns of interactions.

She said a genuine apology goes a long way for conflicts or tension.

For roommates she suggests setting physical, emotional and conversational boundaries. 

Setting boundaries is something Samantha Beckwith and her roommate have established, "We were lucky enough to already have our own routine in place and be able to stick to that just a little bit different."

For families boundaries are also key, especially for parents now with children back home from college. 

Roberson said relieving built up stress during this time is critical, "Give each other a little bit of grace. Give each other the understanding we're all so stressed out."

She reassures it's okay if you need time alone and your own space to relax. "There will be people that come out stronger and there will be people unfortunately whose relationships might not last. But that's okay," said Roberson.

You can read more for her advice for family relationships here or listen to her podcast Attached here

To contact The Family Justice Center, click here.

To contact The Helen Ross McNabb Center, click here.

To contact The Restoration House, click here.

For domestic violence resources provided by the City of Knoxville, click here.

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