Working can provide not only a paycheck but also a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
Sometimes finding the right job is the challenge.
A local non-profit tackles that challenge by matching clients with companies.
Five days a week, Keri Sanders comes to work at the Summit Medical Group Diagnostic Center in Fountain City.
"Doing their laundry, putting them in the washer, putting them in the dryer, folding them, and putting the soap and everything in the washers," she said.
Theresa Smith comes with her. She's Keri's job coach.
"She helps me if I get behind," Keri said.
She seldom gets behind.
Keri is a Sertoma Center Client.
That organization empowers adults with intellectual disabilities to achieve their fullest potential. That can include working.
Sertoma's Employment Program Director is Delia Robinson.
"It's always about finding the right job not just a job because finding the right job is what determines their longevity in working," she said.
Recruiting new businesses to partner with Sertoma can be a challenge. This time, Summit Medical Group COO Ranee Guard approached them when she realized the staff members here were spending a lot of time doing laundry.
"I thought about with the Sertoma Center if we could partner with them to take over our laundry services it would really be a win-win. And it has actually worked even better than I thought that it would because it has really freed up our staff's time so that they can focus exclusively on patient care," she said.
They focus on patients while Keri focuses on laundry. It's a job she really enjoys.
"Just stick with the one I've got. It's a pretty good one. The other places they don't pay as much as this one does," Keri said.
She's careful with her paycheck.
"Save it up. I'm saving it up to get a camera," she said.
Sertoma and Summit: a positive partnership.
Delia said, "When Keri wants a day off they are like where is she? How come she's not here?"
Ranee said, "Our staff love her. She's always a bright light when she comes in."
The Sertoma Center is always looking for new business partners. They especially need jobs that appeal to men. For example, right now they have clients who manage a dock area at a trucking company and others who handle recycling jobs.
A Sertoma Center fundraising event is scheduled for next month. Havana Nights Fiesta and Auction is August 18th.