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Lauren Davis

Lauren Davis is a multi-skilled journalist at WBIR in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Credit: WBIR
Lauren Davis

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Lauren Davis joined the WBIR 10News team as a multi-skilled journalist in July 2023.

She was born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina. 

She discovered her love of journalism when she took a broadcast class in high school. She was a substitute anchor and eventually became a main anchor for the morning announcements. After that, she knew she wanted to attend college for broadcast journalism.

She studied broadcast journalism at the University of South Carolina (Go Gamecocks!). She has a cognate in sports and entertainment management. During her senior year, she reported, produced, and anchored for Carolina News, a student-run newsroom. While at USC, she was a part of the National Association of Black Journalists, the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Community Engaged Campus Experience for Youth (CECEY), and a Young Life leader. She also wrote for The Odyssey Online.

Once she graduated, she took a break for a year and moved to Minot, North Dakota in Aug. 2021 where she became a multimedia reporter. In North Dakota, she discovered a love for reporting on agriculture. She now has a newfound appreciation for farmers and ranchers and wishes to continue to cover agriculture in East Tennessee. While in North Dakota, she also received an Upper Midwest Emmy nomination in 2022 for team coverage of a 2021 spring blizzard in North Dakota. She said the best part of being a journalist is going out and learning more about people and their communities.

When not at work, you can find Lauren shopping at Aldi at least three times a week. She also enjoys cooking, relaxing at home with her cat Salem, hanging out with her friends, and making new friends. She said although she is a Gamecock, she would "cheer for UT as long as they aren't playing Carolina."

If you see her out, feel free to say "hi!"

You can connect with her on Facebook and email her story ideas at ldavis1@wbir.com.

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